https full forms with full details ?

What is https? What is full form of https?

full form of https

HTTPS stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. It is a protocol to ensure communication between two systems, p. the browser and the webserver.

The following figure illustrates the difference between HTTP and https communication:

Communication over https and http

As you can see in the figure above, http transfers data between the browser and the web server in hypertext format, while https transfers data in an encrypted format. Thus, https prevents hackers from reading and modifying data during the transfer between the browser and the webserver. Even if hackers are able to intercept the communication, they will not be able to use it because the message is encrypted.

HTTPS established an encrypted link between the browser and the web server using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. TLS is the new version of SSL.

SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
SSL is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between the two systems. These can be browser to server, server to server or client to server. Basically, SSL ensures that the data transfer between the two systems remains encrypted and private.

Https is essentially http over SSL. SSL establishes an encrypted link using an SSL certificate, also known as a digital certificate.

SSL encrypted link
http vs https
http https
Transfers data in hypertext format (structured text) Transfers data in encrypted format
Uses port 80 by default Uses port 443 by default
Not secure Protected using SSL technology
Starts with http: // Starts with https: //
Advantage of https
Secure communication: https establishes a secure connection by establishing an encrypted link between the browser and the server or any two systems.

Data integrity: https provides data integrity by encrypting the data, and even if hackers are able to capture the data, they cannot read or modify it.

Privacy and security: https protects the privacy and security of website users, preventing hackers from passively listening to communication between the browser and the server.
Faster performance: https increases the speed of data transfer compared to http by encrypting and reducing the size of the data.
SEO: Using https increases your SEO ranking. In Google Chrome, Google shows the Insecure label in the browser if user data is collected over http.
Future: https represents the future of the Web, making the Internet safe for users and website owners.

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